Friday, August 13, 2010

Haiku for the... er... day

The grey gloom confines,
Not subtle fear to go out;
Lack of incentive.

I just happened to notice it's a Friday 13th today. Usually I manage not to notice. Not that I'm superstitious by nature, but.... well, I have nothing much else to occupy my overactive brain at the moment.

It also happens to be a really shitty day here in the Jing. So, if I do slink back under the duvet for the rest of the morning, it won't be atavistic dread of misfortunes patrolling the streets outside - just plain and simple laziness/depression.


Tony said...

Sounds like like a touch of Weltschmerz to me. There's a lot of it about.
Be of good cheer. Soon be Christmas.

Froog said...

Not soon enough...