Tuesday, June 30, 2009

See ya later, suckers!!

Not that I want to seem too paranoid or anything, but..... well, I wouldn't want to risk anything - anything, even a little old blogpost on little old unread Froogville - drawing attention to me as I pass through the airport. So, I thought I'd defer a definitive announcement of my departure from Beijing until I'm safely out of Chinese airspace. Which should be about now.

Posting likely to be light over the next month-and-a-half while I'm on my travels, but I'm sure I'll still find time for a little froogery here and there.


Livia said...

Have a good trip!

Anonymous said...

You haven't replied to my comment. Maybe you've been too busy. I'll maybe see you on your trips around the earth?


PS. I'll email you my number again if I can find your address.

Froog said...

Yes, been VERY busy the last few days, Earthling.

Livy, I'm hoping to be up in Edinburgh at the start of the Fringe. Maybe we can meet up.

stuart said...

Safe journey, Froog.

JES said...

I'm picturing Ingrid Bergman standing on the tarmac (it's always tarmac) with Claude Rains, staring wistfully into the foggy middle distance as you board without a look back.

Do have a safe trip; hope it brings you exactly what you want!

Anonymous said...

I found one of your emails from 07 and have sent you my number. Hope to see you in the sun, on earth.

Froog said...

I think that e-mail was actually from the beginning of '05, Anon!

Thanks, JES. It would be nice to leave Ingrid behind on the tarmac for once, rather than vice versa. Of course, for me, the legroom on the dwarf plane would be agony.

Being able to watch the Wimbledon finals during the daytime, with English commentary (and a Brit victory within the scope of possibility for the first time in my lifetime) is the first of my considerable holiday pleasures.