Monday, October 06, 2008

Grrrr!! (2)

Don't you hate software updates?

Firefox has been badgering me to accept an "upgrade" for a few weeks now; and I didn't want to turn it down conclusively, in case one day I might possibly feel confident enough to check out the new stuff; but, for now, I preferred to postpone the decision, because of a nagging dread - a near certainty - that the new stuff would, at best, clutter up the interface with lots of superfluous new icons, and, at worst, interfere with the smooth functioning of my favourite browser (and my favourite proxy).

Well, somehow or other, over the weekend the new stuff got installed. Did I somehow click on the wrong button in my impatience to get on with my Web browsing? Maybe so; but I really rather think not. Does the dratted program just load itself - Trojan-style - after the 10th or 20th time you've hit the 'Not now, maybe later' button on the pop-up? Yes, I'm getting paranoid again. But 'they' are out to get me!!!

And guess what? Yep, Firefox now crashes on start-up. Every bloody time.

I've tried re-starting the computer. No good. Do I need to reconfigure afresh for use with FoxyProxy, perhaps? Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the whole sodding program?? What about all my 'Favourites' and browser history???

For now, Blogspot is still - remarkably! - unblocked in China. However, I'm sure this is just a temporary oversight by the Kafka Boys, and the Great FireWall will soon be reset to its pre-Olympic level of 'Maximum Annoyance', blotting out all of my favourite blog reads (including my own, of course). And I can't use Wikipedia without a proxy.

Life without Firefox and FoxyProxy is..... just.... not..... liveable!

Bugger, bugger, bugger.

1 comment:

Froog said...

Yep, I did have to Uninstall and Reinstall Firefox. TWICE.

Why does shit like this happen?

I've lost all my Bookmarks, and the only difference I can see with the new version is that they've made small, pointless, discombubulating changes to the appearance of some of the main icons.
