Monday, March 31, 2008

Don't use Chinglish

And another thing! (Supplementary free PR advice for the Chinese leadership)

What is with this "splittist" nonsense?

It sounds like some kind of vaudeville novelty performer, an acrobat who specialises in repeatedly doing the splits.

No, it just sounds like a 5-year-old's first fumbling attempts at word formation.

Guys, you can call them whatever the hell you like in Chinese, but when you're addressing an English-speaking audience in English...... then you should use English, not Chinglish.

You can't just invent words like that. Especially not words that sound so..... well, silly.

And there is a perfectly good word in the English language already. The word is 'separatist'. Use it.


The British Cowboy said...

Unfortunately, the invented word thing is common here. The one that grates most on me (given my near addiction to televised sports) is "winningest."

Froog said...

Yes, I hate that one too. But at least it's pretty much confined to the circle of sports pundits. I don't think Condi or even Dubya has said it in a press conference yet.