Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Belated St Patrick's Day greetings

Interest in The Barstool seems to have been scant over the past couple of weeks. I daresay this has been partly due to the censorship problems we've been enduring here in China - but, hey, things are relatively open again now, so you can't use that excuse any more.

To celebrate the restoration of YouTube the other day (a guy in this Website Design class I'm teaching at the moment told me he knew of a proxy server that gave you access to YouTube even during the recent very tight lockdown; I'm sceptical, but I'm going to get the details next time I see him), I put up some links on my sister site to great Irish drinking songs - the highlight of which is an early TV appearance by The Clancy Brothers, one of the great Irish folk bands and largely credited with the popularizing of traditional Irish music overseas, particularly in the States. Go take a look.

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