Saturday, October 20, 2007

Return of The Anti-30 League

Together with some old University buddies, I long ago created The Anti-30 League - a group dedicated to revelling in the freedom and frivolity of the middle-20s (and denying the aging process) for as long as possible..... or at any rate, for as long as it was even vaguely plausible.

As the original members one by one settled into the conventional comforts of marriage & children, they gave up on this dream of eternal youthfulness - they lost their hair and grew fat and stopped lying about their age.

I am the last survivor of that noble crusade, the last Canute-like hold-out against the remorseless tide of Time. And even I have been tempted to think in recent years that it might be more seemly, more dignified somehow (and certainly more believable - yes, my hair is finally starting to thin, my face is getting a little puffy, the laughter-lines around my eyes are become ravines) to re-brand as The Anti-40 League. But NO - I must stand strong..... on a good day ("in the dusk, with the light behind me") I can still just about pass for late-20s.

So, today The Anti-30 League is revived, and heads out into the city to campaign with a new militancy. "Who are you calling old, you fuck? Do you want to take this outside?"

Birthday, schmirthday!

Oh, and by the way..... this post over on the Barstool was my 1,000th. This I-can't-believe-it's-my-fucking-birthday post is No. 1,001. The verbal diarrhoea flows on and on.


Anonymous said...

"in the dusk, with the light behind me"

he he,

Its always good to cut a dash. Happy 'B word' Day.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

ah, a good friend decided sometime during our law school years that she would simply remain 25. She also decided to re-date her b-day to better suit our exam schedules. age, dates, days of the week -- all were potentially maneuverable to better suit her schedule.

and now, it looks like she, in her perpetual 20's will be married and motherly long before I get around to it.

which is just my long way (and potentially unrelated way) of saying, stay young all you want. If you say you're 25, we (your friends) will just nod and smile and get on with it.