Saturday, May 12, 2007

It's happening again

Blogspot is blocked again.

Conspiracy or cock-up?

Actually, 'Conspiracy of Cock-up' might be a good title for a China book.

I think, this time, it's pretty clearly no accident, and is likely to remain in place for at least 5 or 6 weeks. After all, what sensitive anniversary is coming up at the beginning of June? I think you know what I'm saying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aye, we understandeth you.

luckily, I'll be out city hiking this morning and so won't be too bothered by net troubles. Though the city smells wafting through my open windows (a delightful mix of construction refuse, s-pipe-less sewers, and car fumes) does make me want to limit myself to the rose garden downstairs... we'll see how it goes.

by the way, here's your note of encouragement: good job on reigning in the blogging. we're about halfway through the month and you're doing well with keeping within the self-imposed limits. especially over on the sister blog...